YMCA session with the Youth at risk
Today is e first session with this youths, their age range from 13 to 16. We play games together which includes the Adjective game to let us introduce each other. Then we also have the blanket game, soccer, captain ball and chatting session. This is the first time that we were introduced to each other and we will be having each other's company for 6 more months. It is really nice to know them and i can say that they are very very friendly. haha...which means very hyperactive, they are so enthusiastic in all the games.
These youths are teenagers like us, all malays which included 2 girls and 5 boys. They are at this risk of getting expel from school that is e reason why they were in the YMCA, they smokes so we must come out with games which ensures that they will not feel restless and have fun with them(which is very fun) haha. From the talking session with them, i realise that they really do not like their teachers in school, teachers always pick on them. they often have their lesson conducted outside the classroom and e teachers wont listen to them. I really hate this type of teachers though, always pick on these students and no chance given.
Hope tat these kids really have their time with us and will seek for our help in the future, they are really nice kids, just need more concern only. Anyway really fun to play soccer with them, haha...so fun. next session we will be having tennis and hokiee. lookin forward to it.