Wednesday, April 29, 2009



there are 2 types of flowers,
one survive in e wild, most friends thought i am able to survive on my own.
Independent, able to take care of myself.

Another type of flower which is being taken care off.
So everyday there will be watering n often trimming of the leaves.
People thought extra care should be given to u as u wont be able to take care of yourself.
U deserve to be treated with more care as u worth a lot of money and time.

Its just tat u dint met e chance
to been brought home by someone to take care of?
Is it because not worth e time, cos its just a flower from e wild.
No money is spent on buying, thus no mention about e time to spent on taking care of.

Even though u are being brought into e home, but e owner somehow still thought u r a wild
flower thus u will be able to survive well without his extra care.
N there u are, near to the window yearnin for e rain n sunshine outside.

so which type are u? hahah

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